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88.25, 88.26 88.27 - Thigh Nine Miles Three

The point 88.25 is the same as GB 31, 88.26 and 88.27 are located 1.5 cun anterior and posterior to 88.25. In the image these points are in red. 


Neck, back, and lumbar pain, periostitis of the vertebrae, pneumonia, abdominal distention, abdominal pain, hemi-paralysis, numbness, tingling and pain in the hands and arms, various neuralgias, headaches, eye conditions.


I rank this as one of the top five most powerful point combinations, as it can benefit so many meridians. With proper needle angle and depth the UB, GB, ST, and leg yin meridians can be benefited. 

88.25_ 88.26_ 88.27 - Thigh Nine Miles Three.png

88.25, 88.26, 88.27

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